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Overcoming Life Challenges with Love

Episode Description —
We either live in love or fear according to the Course in Miracles. Love is not something we have to attain, chase after, or try to conjure up. It’s what we are at our core. We just have to remove everything that is not in alignment with our True Nature/Love. We are here to learn to love, not just to be loved as the ego desires. You have to become an expression of Love. Changing our default from the ego to love is what the spiritual path is all about. Each moment, we have to be very observant and diligent about what we give our attention and awareness.The practice of giving love changes your life, because it’s the opposite of what the ego does. The ego withholds love and finds reasons for doing so and nothing is ever good enough. The ego notices the flaws in things and people, the imperfections, not the inherent perfection of it all. Giving love neutralizes and stops the ego in its tracks, and develops your ability to see as God sees to see the inherent perfection in everything.

Energy Healer and Nurse Anita C. Stewart Contributes a Chapter to a Revolutionary New Book Series.

EUGENE, OREGON July 20, 2016— In the new book, Life SPARKS (Edition #1), Anita C. Stewart shares how a serious accident led to her ultimate transformation.

SPARKS Author Interview – An Unexpected Awakening with Anita Stewart

Anita C. Stewart, R.N. has been gifted to work in healing her whole life. Earnest tending to those injured was first experienced through her compassionate, gentle care of animals as a child.

Services by Bridges of the Heart

Intuitive Readings

Providing insight and energetic healing through an hour long phone or Skype reading session.

Energetic Healing

Private one-on-one sessions of healing and centering to help build, or mend, your Bridges.

Intensive Sessions

Fully immersive half- and full-day intensive sessions to dive deep into core issues, bridges, and energies.


Stay tuned for upcoming dates…